Other C.S. Lewis Podcasts

Now I know that Pints With Jack is everybody’s favourite C.S. Lewis podcast, but what other C.S. Lewis podcasts are there out there? In today’s post, I wanted to share the ones which are on my radar…

1. All About Jack (Website | Feed | Twitter)

This podcast from William O’Flaherty covers a broad range of Lewis-related content, mostly through interviews with C.S. Lewis scholars. One quirk of this podcast is that old episodes are reposted which, while can be confusing, allows for newcomers to be exposed to older episodes.

Regularity: Irregular, but episodes are posted approximately weekly, not all of them new

2. The C.S. Lewis Podcast (Website | Feed | Twitter)

Ruth Jackson sits down with Dr. Alister McGrath to talk about C.S. Lewis. Past seasons have focussed on the broad themes in Lewis’ life, as well as in Mere Christianity and The Chronicles of Narnia.

Regularity: Weekly

3. The Lamp-Post Listener (Feed | Twitter)

In a style very similar to Pints With Jack, hosts Daniel and Phil work their way chapter-by-chapter through the Chronicles of Narnia in Publication Order. We have had a number of cross-over episodes with them.

Regularity: Twice a Month

4. Talking Beasts (Website | Feed | Twitter)

The next podcast is also Narnia-related. Glumpuddle, Rilian, and Gymfan talk about the books, as well as all the various adaptations and interviewing the actors involved.

Regularity: Irregular, but typically a couple of episodes a month

5. The Wade Center (Website | Feed)

The Wade Center While not exclusively Lewis-related, Producer Aaron Hill and Drs. David and Crystal Downing bring you top-notch interviews relating to Lewis, the Inklings and their wider circle.

Regularity: Twice a Month

6. For Narnia and For Aslan* (Website | Feed)

Moving through the Chronicles of Narnia at the pace of a chapter a week!

Regularity: Weekly

7. The Chronicles of Podcast* (Website | Feed)

Another podcast discussing the entire Chronicles chapter-by-chapter. The pace is not quite as fast as For Narnia and For Aslan, but episodes are slightly longer.

Regularity: Every two weeks

8. Mere C.S. Lewis (Twitter | Feed)

Two brothers are going through Lewis’ corpus one book per episode.

Regularity: Every few months

9. The Inklings Variety Hour (Facebook | Feed)

This was a great podcast which had been working through Till We Have Faces. While they had previously been posting a couple of episodes a month, it is now unfortunately mostly dormant.

Regularity: Mostly dormant

10. Further Up, Further In (Feed)

This podcast from Matthew Huff is a wonderful deep-dive into the spiritual lessons in The Chronicles of Narnia. It was always irregular, but unfortunately it is now many months between episodes.

Regularity: Irregular and mostly dormant

11. Further Up: Lookin’ for Lewis (Feed)

A mostly defunct podcast about The Chronicles of Narnia.

Regularity: Mostly dormant

* These podcasts were added to this article after its initial publication

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After working as a Software Engineer in England for several years, David moved to the United States in 2008, where he settled in San Diego. Then, in 2020 he married his wife, Marie, and moved to La Crosse, Wisconsin. Together they have a son, Alexander, who is adamant that Narnia should be read publication order.