C.S. Lewis

Lewis, known to his friends as “Jack”, was raised in a nominally Christian household, but soon fell away from Christianity and became an ardent and avowed atheist. However, in his early thirties, he returned to belief in God, and then eventually to faith in Christ. Putting his considerable literary talents at the service of the Faith, Lewis became one of the most well-known and beloved Christian writers of the 20th Century. He was a member of the Inklings and in his sixty-five years of life, C.S. Lewis was poet, novelist, academic lecturer, lay theologian and Christian apologist.

Below is a timeline of the major events and dates in the life of C.S. Lewis. For a more detailed tour of Lewis’ life, check out Joel Heck’s Chronologically Lewis.

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Further Reading

If you would like to learn more about Lewis’ life and some facts about him which might surprise you, we’d recommend checking out our “You Don’t Know Jack” article series. We would also recommend the resources related to Lewis’ spiritual autobiography, Surprised By Joy.

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