The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (BBC)

Because I’m old, I watched the BBC adaptation of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe when it was originally appeared on UK television in 1988. I loved it as a child and while it certainly has some limitations, I think it still really stands up thirty years later:

The entire 2019 remastered story is available to watch below:


Fun facts

If the actors playing the beavers fell over, they found it very difficult to get back up again in the snow. They were therefore assigned assistants, nicknamed the “Beaver Retrievers”, to help them.

Aslan’s mane was made out of yak hair.

It took two people to operate Aslan’s animatronic functions.

Sophie Cook, who plays Lucy Pevensie, had her children appear in the train scene of the 2005 movie remake.

2003 Reunion Interview

An interview on Blue with the cast on the children’s programme, Blue Peter, the year the series was released:

The 2003 reunion interview:

Podcast Discussion

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After working as a Software Engineer in England for several years, David moved to the United States in 2008, where he settled in San Diego. Then, in 2020 he married his wife, Marie, and moved to La Crosse, Wisconsin. Together they have a son, Alexander, who is adamant that Narnia should be read publication order.